Nandini Herbal Oxy Shiner Bleach - 160ml

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This unique bleach helps skin look fairer and youthful with radiant glow by natural formulation which gives nice texture without skin irritation. It is lightens facial hair to balance the skin color.


Net weight: 160ML+30GM

Total weight: 269GM



How to use?


Properly clean with cleansing milk or water.


For Sensitive & Dry skin: - Apply Thick Layer of Moisturize lotion on the face.


Take exact measurements of lotion & white Activator Powder with enclosed measuring spoon in a glass or plastic bowl. Mix thoroughly for 2-3 minutes at least with an application brush until all the powder gets completely dissolved in to the lotion forming a white cream. Now apply the cream uniformly on the face.


Remove or wash after 10-15 minutes.


Apply Sun Block Lotion Cream after cleaning the face.


Hydrogen Peroxide, Light Liquid Paraffin Oil, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Ceto Stearyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, ISO Propyl Myristate, Citrus Limonum Extract, Ortho Phosphoric Acod, Ethylene Di Amine Tetra Acetic Acid, D.M. Water Q.S. to 100%